Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Day 1: Travel

Day 1: Travel

Today we flew from Providence to Detroit and from Detroit to Salt Lake City. Needless to say it was a typical day of airport hopping. Our parents seemed quite glad to be getting rid of us for a few days ;) but they know this is a great experience for us. After checking our bags, we gathered for a group photo before heading into security. We skimmed through pretty quickly as there were not a lot of people flying out on a Wednesday morning. We found our terminal and excitedly started posting on Facebook about the trips, reading up on material, and taking pictures of the planes right outside the window. The plane from Providence was, well, cramped, for a lack of better words. Thankfully, it was only two hours and seemed to fly by (haha, get it?). When we landed in Detroit the realization and excitement really seemed to start to sink in. We were on our way! We chilled in the gate for a little while checking up on blog posts and social media before heading to find something to eat (fried chicken. yum!) We then headed back to the gate where we met some lovely fellow girl scouts from other councils. We even got our did our first swap exchange of the trip! Now, sitting on the slightly larger plane to Salt Lake City, the impatient jitters have settled in. We just can’t wait to arrive! 
We have arrived! The skyline of the city is beautiful and we were able to see the mountains and the sunset together from the plane. Now in the hotel ready to start tomorrow!  

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