Thursday, October 9, 2014

Girl Scouts' 2014 National Council Session/53rd Convention!

What is it all about? This exciting and inspiring event only happens once every three years. The theme is "Discover, Connect, Take Action: Girls Change the World," which highlights the Girl Scout mission and specifically references the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, which is the core of the Girl Scout program.

An array of stimulating and fun activities are planned - from theme dinners and parties to thought-provoking learning sessions to the interactive Hall of Experiences. Four large-format, talk show-style sessions, called Conversations of Consequence, will focus on issues of importance to girls and our society: diversity, faith/religion, girls, and leadership. 

The 2014 Girl Scout Convention will reunite thousands of members and alumnae and invigorate a global movement of girls, women, and men. Also, an incredible cadre of speakers and entertainers - news makers, leaders, and policy makers from across the country and around the world - will converge to celebrate and advocate on behalf of girls.

This global gathering of Girls Scouts includes two key events:

1. The National Council Session. At the heart of every convention is the National Council Session, Girl Scout's Democratic process in action. Every three years, Girl Scouts' governance requires that the organization convent a Movement-wide meeting to reflect on the past three years; discuss important business to guide its future, including voting on proposals; and elect its new national president and National Board. Because Girl Scouts is a membership organization, this meeting gives every member a chance for their voices to be hear via their elected delegates (a mix of girls and adults, numbering over 1,000).

2. Convention. The Girl Scout members elected as delegates for the business meeting are joined by thousands of other attendees - including Girl Scouts, alumnae, volunteers, parents, advocates, and anyone else who is a big believer in all of the great things Girl Scouts do - for events and activities that inspire, teach, and reward. It's a chance for everyone who loves the Girl Scouts to come together in person around their shared passion for the organization's mission.

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